Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I chew-chewse Pavel Tchelitchew

It'll be interressin' to see how many people get to this page by Googling "Pavel Tchelitchew".  Anyone banking on NONE?  Bueller?  Anyone?  Shirley? No, I doubt it.

Not for lack of being awesome, of course.  Pavel's awesomeness, that is.  Here's where I'm supposed to expound like a good an informed blogger who's wise to all things art historical, but the truth his he's entirely new to me, and that's definitely the point!  For class we have to make some laughably non-thinking project on anyone who's drawn anything at all in the last 200 years, and fortunately I found this guy among all the articles.  Caught my attention immediately with a tree that is not a tree....

Yes, that's more like it, and what do I know about the guy?
He's Russian, influenced by macabre Romanticism, has a very popular painting at the Tate, lived from 1989-1957 (died young at 59), not terribly well-known, worked on set design for ballet, had a few shows in Paris and London and the MoMA, had a thing for astronomy, alchemy, childhood motifs and interior/exterior body landscaping (sublime veins and the like)... and I think I'm in love, you guys, at least for today.  


Isabel Northwode said...

I got here by googling Tchelitchew. I'm an art student, mind you, but just so you know that somebody did =D

Dani said...

I got here googling tchilitchew, he was awesome.

sculptorTC said...

I too got here googling Pavel, He has been one of my favorite artist for more than 25 years a true surrealist responsible for inspiring contemporaries like Alex Gray. Thanks for posting a few more pics I'm planning on getting hide and seek tattooed across my back one day if I can find another artist who could produce such work. Good on ya, have a great time exploring other visionary artist.