Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I think it's entirely possible to evolve into a foolproof machine

Imagine if you might... the top floor of this building is a dislocated airport atmosphere, an ice age wisp-moment, a lavender ghost shark air-quarium.  It'll be my home for a full day of drawing, all my pencils scattered around me as I slowly, slowly grow a sun in graphite, flames licking in slow motion to fill a gigantic paper on the floor.  My temporary home and magic carpet ride, ha!  

If I could extend this to a 24-hour performance and watch the nightlight twinkle in all colours of the city all around me, all alone in the sky........ I would, oh I ..... all for the want of an after-hours pass. :/

This will still be glorious, though.

like 64% of art students, I have a thing for little sparrow-y city birds and tangled masses of branch

These are some friends of mine.  Accidental videos are the sidewaysest!  I mean the best.  


Oh, and Montreal is pretty much designed to climb all up over at a moment's desire, if you can take a bit of dust and the moderate thrill of kicking your boots against the side of old buildings at people's head level.  We saw had the most epic-ly boring evening right after, with stolen birthday cake and deliberately terrible karaoke and Eddie Vedder's ghost channeled into a roots rocker and it was AWESOME.

I also totally wasn't kidding about the birds.  They were having a little tea party this morning in the lot behind the arts building!  So springy, wish I'd had some breadcrumbs in my pocket, even if it is a strange thing to carry around.  I know it's not the most amazing picture in the world, but actually if you look at it for more than 4 seconds it starts to become quite beautiful, like a cloud of smoke or daydream of park light... oooweeeeooooooooooo.  It was kind of a moment, and I also got a big kick out of taking pictures of presumably nothing, a couple steps away from the art hang, because regardless of how eccentric it might look, in that general vicinity bird-picturing ranks a modest LOW in weird behaviour.  

I even have a relevant drawing to post.  tweet!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

"if i snapped a photo of you every time you smiled, i would end up with a lot of useless, blurry photos"

Sometimes my mailbox is a day-brightener.  Every so often I remember the #1 perk of making & trading zines, and that is getting to read other people's.  A girl named Keet sends me her creations every so often and every time it's like a fresh breeze, xeroxed cheesy dancing kinda smile-making stuff.  This most recent one came with robot postcards, even!  And the book is little thoughts and twisty snippets of musings on life, I quite love it ---

To get yrs, and ask her for anything else she's done cause it's all awesome I assure you:  NERDTURD@Gmail.com will set you right.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

oh I've been working on the silk road...

I'm still alive!  I've been busy with the end of semester, working on a few larger paintings for class, and hoping that I manage to step away from the brushes long enough for things to dry so I can take them into school without smudging them all over.  Lately it's all been about colour and fluidity... and big dots.  And wishing I had more tubes to choose from.  This summer I'm taking another painting course though, meaning a lot of focused attention and hopefully some splurges at the art store.  New brushes and solvents and surfaces, oh my!  Who needs a vacation when you can build worlds at the end of your bed/studio? :D (I'm only half joking!).  I can always do Asia after school (and that way I don't have to come back if I don't want to...)

So you probably also noticed that's a self portrait up there.  Or, um... if you've ever seen me, you'd know that's my funny face.  Appropriately sitting on my pirate lunchbox canvas perch (!) anyway, I needed to make a new one after destroying the last one in my first public performance two weeks ago.  The project was a combination "destroy something you love" and healing piece that involved Javanese gamelan music, an ancient television set, a huge pair of scissors and a bucket of white housepaint called "Moonlight".  It went so powerfully, even if the documentation video ended up being pitch black, *sob*.  Maybe I'll post it anyway, but it's really really lame and all you can see is a fuzzy blue screen and my arms flailing around.  Ah well, such is life.  I'll just have to be brave and attempt another performance, maybe this one with a light source around?  ha.

Here's also a sneak look at the kind of work I'm doing right now.  Again, very colour based...

It's very much not finished, but it's close, and my vision in pigment is starting to speak the same language as my drawings, which I'm happy about.  I'm even kind of pleased about the big blank bare canvas spots... don't ask me why.  If I had to speak inspiration... I'm waist-deep in Chinese philosophy right now, which was almost certainly a subconscious force here.  The whole Jade thing it's got going on, as well as rather perfectly exemplifying the Neo-Confucian concept of Li, which is "the underlying intelligence and order of nature as reflected in its organic forms", as quoted from Wiki.  

It's really astonishing actually, how the world orders itself into an awkward & pure perfection. The other day I found myself staring at the folds of my headband hanging off the radiator in the bathroom, remembering the dark shape and feeling almost as if I'd seen it before.  Or drawn it before.  And I probably had.  Which makes me wonder about chaos and how much our surroundings are shaped by the physical way we interact with them, and how much by our perception of it all.  Like, when I toss a book on my bed... does it land in a particularly Elizabeth sort of way, and I'm inclined to say yes?  And in that case... is making oatmeal or catching the bus art?  Holding a pencil or a lover is the same?  And when I see a book that someone else has tossed upon their bed, do I mentally alter the angle and colour to fit into what I've deemed aesthetically comfortable to MY reality?  If it doesn't, what happens then?  Who designates this Li stuff, anyway? !!

haha, okay, I shut up now. :DDDD