Friday, August 7, 2009

Eating paint for breakfast. (Hero # 37 of 581)

I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open.  It's one of those massively beautiful sunswept friday mornings where I'm a little underslept but still sitting at the bask-point of summer, in front of my window.  Not too hot (not this summer anyway), and having to invent some activity to fill the rest of my day.

Ah, I know.  Galleries!

I think my brushstrokes need to some heroes to look up to, and I mean that so literally it's almost child's play to fix.  Essentially, my paintings are looking finicky (to me) and I'm pretty sure that the established contemporary artists might have some clues as to how to make an effective Effect without getting so OC all the time, every time I want pink to fade to orange I break out the hobby brushes!  Not so useful!

One artist who I can think of recently who's inspiration in this regard is Dana Schutz, who I just discovered.  She paints an alter-verse populated by people who have the ability to eat and reconstruct themselves like it ain't no thang, and the colours people, OH the colourss...  she's part of the movement that my painting teacher calls "Post Human", which apparently I'm a part of and you'll hear no complaining from me about that designation.  Human is so passe anyway, bring on the carnivorous cheery golems I say.

See? ----->

So rough yet so effective.  Wowee.

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