Sunday, January 4, 2009

I've been reduced to this? bollocks!

It's strange to think that it's actually been almost a year since I've given this blog any thought. Similarly, New Years came and went without my taking stock of anything that's happened during 2008, leading me to almost believe that I'd done nothing.

This couldn't be any untruer. Most notably and perhaps most quietly... I found my artistic voice again. I recognized it as the secret joy of feeling the creaminess of graphite scribble as I worked feverishly into wee hours of the night... it would have been since grade 9 that I'd felt so in love with just drawing for it's own sake. The rekindling of this was due to meeting a remarkable person who has since moved on and through my life to her own adventure, and while this person will probably forever BE 2008 to me, I move on to the other small areas of note.

I finished the 10-day Master Cleanse in the spring, and thus quit smoking. Okay, that one IS pretty big.

I published a few zines, including the relatively successful Underwater Cigarettes #3 that got reviewed in Broken Pencil. This led to a busy mail life that involved some packages and mail art and old school enveloped fun. I might dive back into it sometime, when the mood strikes.

I started an Etsy shop, which I had been thinking about for a while and made a little over 100$ out of stuff that was laying around in my drawers. Not bad!

I decided to minor in Religion, and join the ranks of all those with useless degrees and too much propensity to think about things that probably function better when they're not under scrutiny.

I became ridiculously skilled in the kitchen. woohoo!

Um... what did I not do? Talk to people. Take some risks. Say yes to things. Be open? And this is what the new year is about now. This is travel year, in whatever form that comes in. I haven't decided where or how (exchange through uni or WWOOFing), but I'm taking whatever skanky boring job I can get with the express purpose of saving up a plane ticket. Some places are really cheap! Ecuador, Japan, wish I could go to New Zealand... anyway. That is this year.

Not to mention drawing my wee heart out, as if I could ever put that pencil down.

Other things 2009 will bring:
* at least one date
* a table at Expozine
* a plane ride
* breakdancing
* a performance art class!
* participaction in an art show (crossed fingers for Art Matters)
* doing one thing that scares me every day. Today I called someone. :)

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